Search Library for "Type 2 Diabetes"

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Cost of Excessive Medical Testing

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
The American College of Physicians is creating guidelines to control overtesting and overtreatment. They estimate we spend $250 billion in unnecessary tests every year. Some of the reason is that MDs feel they need to practice defensive medicine, but there are also conflicts of interest related to investments they have made in purchasing medical testing equipment....

Cooking with Dry Heat may Cause Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
  A study published in the August issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences showed that diets high in methylglyoxal, which is produced by dry heat, caused mice to develop early insulin resistance and increased body fat over four generations. This did not happen in the control mice not fed methylglyoxal. The abdominal fat in these mice...

Can Your Shower Curtain Make You Fat?

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
A NY study published in Environmental Research found that among overweight kids that the higher the phthalate concentrations in their body, the higher their weight up to about 10%. Phthalates are plasticizers that make plastics like PVC flexible. They likely also disrupt the endocrine system and may well cause reduced sperm counts, testicular atrophy and an increased...

Breakthroughs in Preventing Diabetes with Frank Shallenberger, MD

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
There is a pandemic of type 2 diabetes that may affect as many as 25% of the population. The defects in diabetes are reviewed. This is a preventable disease with diet, exercise, stress reduction and more. All diseases are associated with a defect in energy production. It is almost always associated with obesity. It is important to begin working early on the pre-diabetes...

Insomnia is More Common in Women

submitted by: admin on 05/14/2024
Poor sleep does more harm in women than in men with regard to developing heart disease according to a Duke Medical Center publication. It leads to a higher incidence of a lot of chronic diseases such as arteriosclerosis, type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis, etc. Women deal with life more emotionally and men more rationally. Women are more concerned with how they feel...

Vitamin D Deficiency with Len And Vicki

submitted by: admin on 05/14/2024
Vitamin D deficiency increases the risk for cancer and cancer metastases. Using the right dose of vitamin D replacement is important and is the reason why it is important to measure blood levels. Hypertension, type 2 diabetes, heart attacks, strokes and abnormal blood lipids are all related to low levels of vitamin D.


submitted by: admin on 05/14/2024
The description for this show is: What practice reduces loneliness, stress, and Inflammation? What drugs commonly used in type 2 diabetes cause cancer? Should MDs be paid on the basis of performance? What will the Affordable Care Act do do quality of care, cost, and MD availability? Is lack of exercise a disease? VIcki's 20-20 tips...

Junk Food Takeover with Ed Bauman

submitted by: admin on 05/14/2024
            The standard American diet is sadly deficient in good nutrition and full of food that is unhealthy. Refined carbohydrates, especially high fructose corn syrup, has contributed a lot to the growing epidemic of obesity and type 2 diabetes. Other factors, such as trans fats, food additives and preservatives, added...

Prescriptions for Health on Natural News Radio Sep. 7, 2012

submitted by: admin on 05/14/2024
The outline for the show is: A radical health care alternative for both Democrats and Republicans! Does how much you sleep affect your risk for aggressive breasts cancer? What vitamin can fight superbugs and kill MRSA? Is belly fat dangerous in people with a normal weight? Does how you cook your food affect your risk for developing...

Preview, Diabetes Intro

submitted by: admin on 05/14/2024
Diabetes is a disease where there is defective energy production because of insulin resistance. The physiology of the metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, and the role of insulin and sugar levels are discussed. Risk factors and complications are reviewed. Treatment options are presented.

Preview, Type 2 Diabetes, How do we get and get rid Of?

submitted by: admin on 05/14/2024
Type 2 diabetes is largely a disease of lifestyle, especially diet and exercise. However, stress, sleep, and certain pharmaceutical drugs predispose to developing it. The metabolic syndrome is discussed and the concept of insulin resistance is reviewed.

Preview, Type 2 Diabetes, Introduction To

submitted by: admin on 05/14/2024
The physiology of the metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, and the role of insulin and sugar levels are discussed. Risk factors and complications are reviewed. Treatment options are presented.

Preview, Type 2 Diabetes and Weight

submitted by: admin on 05/14/2024
\ Being overweight leads to inflammation, which causes insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, and its complications. It also leads to leptin resistance, which leads to increasing our appetite center in our brain. High fructose corn syrup is especially powerful in causing resistance of insulin and leptin. Exercise is another huge factor that leads to being over...

Preview, Type 2 Diabetes, Why Lifestyle Matters

submitted by: admin on 05/14/2024
Lifestyle is a powerful antidote to inflammation. All the pharmaceutical drugs used to treat type 2 diabetes have significant side effects that are potentially serious. The common drug classes used to treat diabetes are reviewed. Some of these drugs increase the risk of heart attack and death by more than 50%.

Stroke is Becoming More Common in Younger People

submitted by: admin on 05/14/2024
  According to an article published in the October issues of the journal, Neurology, stroke is affecting people at a younger age. In 1995 13% of all strokes occurred in people between 20 and 50 years old. That number rose to 19% in 2005. The reason for this increase in incidence in younger people is that we're seeing conditions such as type 2...

Sitting is a Risk for Type 2 Diabetes

submitted by: admin on 05/14/2024
The risk of developing type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and death is doubled if you sit more than half of the time according to a meta-analysis of nearly 800,000 people, that is published in the October 2012 issue of the journal, Diabetologia. This link is over and above other lifestyle factors such as diet and exercise. While the cause for this was not discussed,...

MDs Fail to Order Screening Tests

submitted by: admin on 05/14/2024
In an article published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine in 2012 it was determined that MDs are not ordering preventive screening tests very often. Perhaps they don't have sufficient incentive, but they certainly don't have much time in today's HMO medicine. Even though they receive automated reminders, only a few tests, such as colonoscopy,...

Preview, Insomnia

submitted by: admin on 05/14/2024
Insomnia is absolutely essential for good health and we all need between 7-8 hours every night. Lack of sleep leads to a state of inflammation and high levels of stress hormones that lead to a wide range of diseases that include type 2 diabetes, hypertension, osteoporosis, heart attacks, strokes, cancer, obesity and much more. It also aggravates any health care...

The Importance of Sleep

submitted by: admin on 05/14/2024
Sleep is one of the most important lifestyle factors. Prolonged insomnia leads to inflammation and a whole host of illnesses that include hypertension, type 2 diabetes, cancer, osteoporosis, overweight, and suppressed immunity. There are hormonal imbalances as well, that include insulin, leptin, ghrelin, adrenal hormones and neurotransmitters that cause profound...

Why Physicians Avoid Obese Patients

submitted by: admin on 05/14/2024
MDs have insufficient knowledge about obesity and it's frustrating to not have the tools to deal with it. Factors such as stress, hormone imbalances, and poor diet are passed along to the psychiatrists.Measuring the basal metabolic rate is a forgotten test. Diets loaded with carbs lead to the metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes. Prenatal factors have been...

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